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台灣漢方飲品牌 #沒有中藥味的漢方茶|選擇給你最天然的呵護

在老祖宗的概念裡食物和養生是相輔相成的,「食療」是日常透過茶飲、膳食來作為平日保健養生的一種方式,在現代,不管是吃的、喝的、用的,越來越多人追求「無添加」的天然呵護,樂木集隱⾝在台北廈⾨街老藥行,傳承老祖宗的漢方智慧,計畫將傳統走向現代,給現代生活一帖良方,樂木集不只是提供一杯好喝的漢方飲,更提供了健康給每一位喝漢方飲的夥伴,LOMOJI 堅持帶給您從內到外的健康美。


從2016~2020年,以前的我們都不太會在網路上行銷,只會在市集上與消費者接觸>< 所以我們的評價真的都是真真實實~買過樂木集的朋友想分享~ 老闆每次看到很熱情寫很多的評價,真的都要噴淚,也太熱情!每次看到一直回購的訂單,我們都知道你買過很多次!下一階段的樂木集,會希望回饋更多優惠給我們的會員~ 還有更多更多的『愛心計畫 』與『養生計畫』等著我們!

Traditional Chinese medicine bath has a history of several thousand years. Through a hot bath, it promotes skin metabolism, relaxes the mind, soothes the body, and relieves stress. After a tiring day of work, people always hope to relax and enjoy some time for themselves. Besides relaxing the mind, the skin should also be relaxed, especially for those who work long hours and have a busy schedule. Made from all-natural Chinese herbs that are roasted and ground into herbal bath bags, the natural aroma will make you look forward to this pampering time every day. Starting with a herbal bath is a great way to take care of your daily health. The three herbal bath themes are "Circulation Improvement" "Cramp Relief" and "Spring" with a total of 12 natural herbs that emit a natural herbal fragrance to meet different bathing needs.


LOMOJI inherits the good things from our ancestors and subverts tradition to create a quality MIT Taiwan brand. We carefully select Chinese herbal health ingredients to create a new line of health teas that fit modern lifestyles. Combined with modern cultural designs, we offer the 'true' taste and share a common philosophy of spreading a good life to every quality-conscious home. Let's start exploring the beauty of Taiwan together and advocate for wellness, care, and simple living

